Leslie Matthews

Harpeth Hall Faculty

Leslie Matthews"Take time on your journey"

Leslie Matthews said to her Saturday morning adult yoga class full of Harpeth Hall alumnae, current and retired faculty, and devoted friends. A teacher at Harpeth Hall since 1977, Leslie has a lot of wisdom to share from her own journey. Our second Head of School, Idanelle McMurry, wisely hired Leslie to begin a dance program at Harpeth Hall just as the Center for Arts and Athletics that bears Miss McMurry's name opened. Over the 43 years of Leslie's career as an educator, she has helped thousands of students discover their creative talents through dance and find a mind-body connection through yoga.

Leslie's own foray into dance began at the University of Tennessee where she was a physical education major. One of the class requirements of the major was dance, which she took the fall of her freshman year. Her teacher, Dr. Carolyn Byrum, noticed her physical strength, kinetic energy, and gracefulness and encouraged her to pursue a dance major, which the university was in the process of establishing. This encouragement changed Leslie's life, and in turn, shaped girls' lives at Harpeth Hall. A lifelong learner, Leslie retooled her dance skills and gained her 1,000-hour certification in yoga instruction with the support of Head of School Ann Teaff. She then introduced yoga into the physical education curriculum at Harpeth Hall in 2009.

Leslie Matthews with classFollowing two years as a dance teacher at Mayfield High School in Las Cruces, New Mexico and one year with the Nashville Metro Parks dance program in the 1970s, Leslie has made teaching at Harpeth Hall her life's work. "There is a strong sense of community at Harpeth Hall that nurtures the faculty and students during difficult as well as good times. That, combined with teaching in a beautiful environment with brilliant colleagues, makes Harpeth Hall an extraordinary place to teach," Leslie said. To show her belief in the power of an all girls education at Harpeth Hall, Leslie has joined The Founders Society by including the school in her will. "Since the fall of 1977, I have been given the opportunity to create and develop two programs that bring growth and balance to amazing students that they take beyond the studio doors into their lives. It is important to help the school maintain and continue that growth!"

As your journey on the faculty of Harpeth Hall comes to an end, thank you, Leslie, for faithfully serving each Head of School who followed our founding Head Susan Souby and for channeling your passion for dance and your belief in the power of yoga into decades of Harpeth Hall students. Thank you also for your wish to see the tradition of educational excellence for girls continue for future generations. Namaste — the light in us honors the light in you.